The supersonic detection of full penetration T-typed and corner joint of steel structure 钢结构全熔透T型及角接接头的超声波检测
Turn any corner in this wealthy, tiny island and you're likely to find a spa, a slimming or manicure parlour, a hair salon or a waxing joint& or all five next to each other. 走到这个富裕小国的任何角落,你都会发现诸如水疗、减肥、美甲、美发或脱毛等各种美容场所,有的地方的美容店更是一家挨着一家开。
Drag onto the page and place against walls at corner joint. Right-click to specify pilaster parameters. 拖到绘图页上,然后靠墙角放置。右击可以指定壁柱参数。
Grey related degree analysis for the influence factors of the mechanical behaviors of the corner joint in a r/ c frame 现浇框架顶层边节点受力性能影响因素的灰关联分析
Analysis of the crack at the sulfur condenser bundle corner joint 硫冷凝器管接头裂纹原因分析
The weld size was controlled according to the definition of leg on the corner joint and DL/ T869& 2004 ( power plant welding technical regulation), which led to the effective thickness was insufficient. 按目前大多数人认可的角接接头焊脚的定义,根据DL/T869&2004《火力发电厂焊接技术规程》去控制焊接尺寸,会出现焊缝有效厚度不足的问题。
Research for the Appearance Quality Standard of Corner Joint 角接接头焊缝外观检查质量标准的探讨
In this paper, some factors affecting the strength of corner joint structure in particleboard furniture have been investigated. 本文针对影响刨花板家具角结构强度的几个因素进行了探讨。
Study on the strength of new method of corner joint ( moltinject) on case furniture 板式家具熔化喷射式角接合强度的研究
A few opinions were suggested to control the appearance quality of the corner joint according to the opinion that the effective thickness of the corner joint should be not less than the minimum wall thickness. 从而根据角接接头有效厚度不应小于最小壁厚的观点,提出对此类角接接头焊缝外观质量控制的几点意见。
Treatment of posterolateral corner injury of knee joint with anatomical reconstruction 解剖重建治疗膝关节后外侧角损伤
Corresponding to the special microstructure in the interior, surface and corner in the joint region, three unit cell models were developed. 分析了矩形组合截面三维编织物所特有的矩形交接区域以及交接内部、交接内角和交接表面的细观结构,建立了这三个区域的单胞模型。
The dihedral corner reflector with wing and fuselage joint of aircraft is a very strong electromagnetic source in a wide angular range. 飞行器翼身接合部构成的二面角反射器是很强的电磁散射源。
Property comparison of MINI-FINGER joint in corner and dowel joint and tenon and mortise joint 微型指榫角部接合与圆榫及直角榫接合性能比较
The experiment focuses on the corner region of the composites. The composite formed by the traditional method performs best among them due to the structure integrity and the more yarns in the interior unit cell of the joint region. 研究表明,传统编织方法形成的复合材料的角部抗形变能力较优,主要因为其编织结构的整体性和在交接区域中单胞包含的纱线根数多于圆形拐角复合材料。
Then analysed strength of the most vulnerable corner joint with finite element method, calculated the maximum stress, maximum strain and the corresponding location. 然后对最易损坏的结点进行有限元分析,计算得出该结点的最大应力和最大应变及其所在的位置。
Tangential contact stress and slip distance on the wall of the top of window, junction of vertical and horizontal wall and lower right corner of door, where mortar joint cracks easily, are the largest. 门窗上边的墙体、纵横墙连接处、门右下角的接触切向应力以及砌块之间的滑移最大,灰缝容易从此处开裂。
Then it can be confirmed that compared with simple rectangular cross-section, there are special microstructure in the interior, surface and corner of joint region. 从而确定,与常规矩形截面三维编织物中相比,在矩形交接区域的内部、表面和内角具有特殊的细观结构。